Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Wolf Creek Trout Lily Preserve

The Trout Lily bloom was a little past prime at Wolf Creek Trout Lily Preserve. There were a few however. The species at Wolf Creek Trout Lily Preserve is Erythronium umbilicatum aka, Dimpeled Trout Lily. There are between 20 and 30 trout lily species in the United States and one in Europe according the the website:

One of the first Trilliums I have found this year (2019) is the Chattahoochee Trillium, T decipiens. It is found along the watershed of the Chattahoochee River in Georgia. While I am quite confident with this ID, as I'm not a botanist it is not verified officially. 
This second Trillium is a Spotted Trillium T maculatum that I found at the Wolf Creek Trout Lily Preserve in Grady County, Georgia. Many signs in the preserve suggests that this is correct name for this trillium.