Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Shirley Miller Wildflower Trail March 31, 2014

Sweet White Trillium also at Shirley Miller Wildflower Trail
Here is the report I put on my Facebook page for Trillium Traveler a little while ago about our trip to Shirley Miller Wildflower Trail

We went to Shirley Miller Wildflower Trail in the Pocket of Georgia, (Northwest Georgia, West of Lafayette) yesterday. I thought we were a bit early when I got there. But, then. We found this Celandine Poppy and more. Here is a list of flowers we found blooming.
1. Celendine Poppy
2. Virginia Bluebells
3. Dutchmans Britches
4. Trailing Trillium 
5. Large Flowered Trillium 
6. Trout Lily 
And, many more! Don't wait too long before you go. The best is now until about 3 or 4 weeks. Maybe only 3 weeks.

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